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    Sunday, December 14, 2008

    New Medicine

    Well, i went to the doctor about my coughing as it was starting to get really bad and i was having chest pain. And it looks like its reflux. I'm taking heavy dosage zantac. And wow that mean pain i had underneath my left ribcage is gone. Unfortunately, I have to wait for 3 hours after dinner before i can lie down at night. Which is an annoyance cause my excuse for not doing any work is i'm tired, let me lie down and read a book. And since I'm not a tv watcher, i've just been sitting at my desk, surfing a bit and starting to draw again(that's good). And another thing too is I'm finding that I have to eat really light at night also. So it's turning into cereal and toast. Also No Soda, No Caffeine and NO CHOCOLATE. Well, there will be chocolate- just not late at night and if we're going to suffer, it better be the good stuff, not the crappy junk we've been stuffing our face with daily. Same with the coffee and the tea. Though, that's already the case with coffee and tea.
    Also, I'm off Zrytec and on Singulair, which seems to work. Very little coughing. Well, I still cough a bit around roxanne-but she's a lifetime smoker-it's in her pores. But It's only been 3 days- and its working pretty good. So I'm happy. It may give me headaches, but my sinuses are very congested(but producing less gunk) right now. We're off of the decongestants too(so the congestion could be the boomerang effect), to see how much the singulair can do- it's supposed to work on both asthma and allergies. It has one very spooky side effect- apparently some people get very depressed and suicidal. Looking at what people were writing- it seems to hit mostly children and young adults. Well, I'm not in that class anymore. But, Still I'll have to watch out for that- if it's gonna happen it'll show up in 3-14 days, and i have a follow-up visit next month with the doc. Ah, but right now, it's nice to breathe and not have any chest pains.


    zero hour said...

    i'm glad you are on the road to recovery....have a good holiday girl..say hi to everyone!

    hartchamber said...

    and it also looks like this singulair thing is acting like the seldane did for me- like a diet pill! Very little hunger.